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Layouts 3 & 4 by ELAINE KING

Layouts 3 & 4 by ELAINE KING

For something different this month I’m setting you a challenge to use all your scraps from the gorgeous June kit.

As you will have seen, I have already created two layouts for you this month so I’ve created scraplifts for you that just highlights what you can do with a random selection of off cuts and some additional white card with some embellishments.
I’ve used some of the product stocked in the shop… of course.. but it’s a great way of using up your leftovers and killing that kit.
Here are the layouts I have created and a list of additional products I’ve used. 
For this page I added black stamped frames on a splattered Salvaged Patina area and made one into a small shaker pocket using vellum and acetate as explained in my previous layout instructions.  I also stamped tiny black leaves using Black Soot ink. 
For this page I used the packaging technique to create a distressed background using Black Soot, die cut the diamond shapes and arranged. I then drew a line around each diamond and the entire white sheet of 12x12. (If you don’t have a diamond die you could download a diamond image and print it and use this as a template). 
To finish I added flowers from the shop and a piece of ephemera from my own stash. 
I’d love to see what you create too!
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